Digital Library
Did you know that with your Northfield Township Area Library card number and pin number you have thousands of audiobooks and eBooks at the tips of your fingers? We are proud to offer you access to digital collections which provide entertainment for all ages.
Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines on your mobile device or computer. Instructions
Borrow movies, eBooks, and audiobooks using your mobile device or computer. Instructions
Read Michigan
Borrow Michigan eBooks using your mobile device or computer. Instructions
Michigan eLibrary (MeLCat)
Free access to full text magazines, learning resources, genealogical resources, business resources, health resources, and more. Borrow books, DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks from other libraries if you can't find what you need at our Library. You will receive a notification when it has been delivered and is available for pick up. Instructions
Comics Plus
Borrow an unlimited number of graphic novels and comic books on your mobile device or computer. Instructions