Genealogy Publications
The Northfield Township Area Library has a number of printed publications to assist you in your genealogy research. (Please keep in mind that those with the call number "REF" may only be used in the Library.)
Atlases & Maps
General How-to Books
General Reference & Directories
Local Histories
Atlases & Maps
- Family maps of Livingston County, Michigan : with homesteads, roads, waterways, towns, cemeteries, railroads, and more / by Gregory A. Boyd. REF 912.77436 Boy
- Family maps of Washtenaw County, Michigan : with homesteads, roads, waterways, towns, cemeteries, railroads, and more / by Gregory A. Boyd. REF 912.77435 Boy
- Michigan cemetery atlas / Library of Michigan (1991). REF 977.4 Lib
- Washtenaw County, Michigan, plat maps 1856 and 1864. REF 912.774 Was
- Directory of cemeteries of Washtenaw County Michigan (1996). REF 929.5 Dir
- Leland Cemetery, Northfield Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan (1984). REF 979.5 Lel
- Michigan cemetery atlas / Library of Michigan (1991). REF 977.4 Mic
- Michigan cemetery source book / Library of Michigan (1994). REF 977.4 Lib
- A Reading of the Hamburg Twp. Cemetery, Livingston Co., MI / James E. Taylor (1992). REF 929.5 Tay
- St Patrick's Cemetery, Northfield Township, Washtenaw Co., MI (1989) REF 929.5 St
General How-to Books
- First steps in genealogy : a beginner's guide to researching your family history / Desmond Walls Allen (1998). 929.1 All
- A Genealogist's guide to discovering your female ancestors : special strategies for uncovering hard-to-find information about your female lineage / Sharon DeBartolo Carmack (1998). 929.1082 Car
- A genealogist's companion & sourcebook : a beyond-the-basics, hands-on guide to unpuzzling your past / Emily Croon (1994). 929 Cro
- Genealogy online : researching your roots / Elizabeth Powell Crowe (1998). 929.1 Cro
- The everything family tree book : finding, charting, and preserving your family history / William G. Hartley (1998). 929.1 Har
- Finding Your Roots Online / Nancy Hendrickson (2003). 025.06 Hen
- A genealogist's guide to discovering your African-American ancestors : how to find and record your unique heritage / Franklin Carter Smith (2003). 929.1 Smi
- Preserving your family photographs : how to organize, present, and restore precious family images / Maureen A. Taylor (2001). 771.46 Tay
- Finding your roots : how to trace your ancestors at home and abroad / Jeane Eddy Westin (1998). 929 Wes
General Reference & Directories
- Ancestry's red book : American state, county & town sources / (1992). REF 929.1 Ane
- Genealogy in Michigan, what, when, where / Alloa Caviness Anderson (1978). MICH 929.107 And
- The genealogy sourcebook / Sharon Carmack DeBartolo (1997). 929.1 Car
- Guide to the Michigan genealogical & historical collections at the Library of Michigan and the State Archives of Michigan / Michigan Genealogical Council (1996). REF 929.377 Mic
- Michigan genealogy : sources & resources 2nd Ed. / Carol McGinnis (2005). REF 929 McG
- Michigan genealogy : sources & resources / Carol McGinnis (1987). MICH 929.107 McG
- Michigan place names : the history of the founding and the naming of more than five thousand past and present Michigan communities / Walter Romig (1973). REF 977.4 Rom
Local Histories
- Washtenaw County : an illustrated history / Ruth Bordin (1988). MICH 977.435 Bor
- From the marshgrasses : a history of St. Patrick's of Northfield / Thomas Patrick Hennings (1981?). MICH 977.435 Hen
- Looking Back : the history of Northfield Township and the Whitmore Lake area / Thomas Patrick Hennings (1985). MICH 977.435 Hen & REF 977.435 Hen
- History of Washtenaw County, Michigan : history of Michigan (2 vols.) / (1881). REF 977.435 His
- Northfield harvest : a pictorial history of Northfield Township and the Whitmore Lake area / (1999). MICH 977.435 Nor & REF 977.435 Nor
- Washtenaw County, Michigan, plat maps 1856 and 1864 / (1997). REF 912.774 Was
- The Northfield Courant / (2004 -2005 , v.1 -2). MICH 977.435 Nor